orijen dog food puppy ingredients

Our dog and cat foods are inspired by your pets ancestral diet including WholePrey animal ingredients like meat poultry or fish organs and bone. The ingredient is considered safe and nutritious for dogs providing protein vitamins minerals and.

Orijen Puppy Large Breed Dog Food Pet Supplies Plus

ORIJEN Original Grain-Free Dry Dog Food.

. For your dog to enjoy ORIJENs amazing fresh food flavours to the fullest rehydrate ORIJEN freeze-dried foods by adding 14 cup 4 tbsp of warm water per medallion wait 3-6 minutes. With 90 premium animal ingredients ORIJEN Puppy diet with Amazing Grains includes WholePrey ingredients from free-run chicken and turkey and wild-caught fish including wild. And this dog food is freeze-dried coated for the wag-worthy raw flavor dogs love.

Premium ingredients like protein-rich. For 100 puppy power. Eggs both whole and dehydrated are used in all Orijen puppy food recipes.

The top 5 ingredients included in Orijen Puppy Food are boneless chicken chicken meal chicken liver whole herring and boneless turkey. Freeze-dried coated for a burst of raw flavor. Approximate and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients.

Loaded with richly nourishing ratios of fresh quality animal ingredients from meat organs and cartilage or bone plus wild-caught fish and cage-free eggs ORIJEN provides a natural source. Loaded with richly nourishing ratios of fresh meat organs and cartilage or bone plus fresh cage-free eggs ORIJEN provides a natural source of virtually every nutrient your dog needs to thrive. These are the same top five ingredients.

Our pumpkin butternut squash carrots and greens are grown and harvested by people we know and trust like Robin and Scotty of Cedar Valley Farms in. It uses real meats and is made with fresh or RAW ingredients to maximize the nutritional value of your dogs diet. Nutrient-dense WholePrey ratios of fresh meat organs and cartilage or bone plus fresh whole fish and cage-free eggs provide a natural source of virtually every nutrient your puppy needs.

90 of the ingredients come from animals With a blend of oats quinoa and chia Includes DHA and EPA from whole fish sources Enriched with probiotics for easy digestion. ORIJEN is a new breed of healthy fresh dog food. Both Orijen and Blue Buffalo have a lot to offer but when considering the high meat content fresh ingredients personally crafted food locally sourced ingredients safety.

RICH IN PROTEIN Made with 85 quality animal ingredients ORIJEN Puppy Large features a richly nourishing and Biologically Appropriate protein level of 38 to closely replicate your. Animal protein sources depicted in fresh form before. In addition to the high-quality animal ingredients packed into our diets ORIJEN diets also contain high-quality fruit vegetables and botanicals sourced from partners we trust.

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